August 2011 - PCF BOAT
The Padua Charitable Fund has recently purchased a boat ("bangka")
for a small fishing village in Ternate, Cavite. This help is needed
by the local community since many of their boats were lost during
a heavy typhoon in 2009, robbing the families of their livelihood
and ease of travel. Without a boat the children of the community
have to walk an hour to school!

The boat has been named "IMOGEN ASIA" after PCF's youngest
donor for the project - Imogen Asia Tooth, 9 years old. The Imogen
Asia boat will allow for many of the young children to be taken
to their local school. The boat will also help the fishermen and
families re-coup their livelihood.

The new boat recently underwent refurbishing and repainting,
and is expected to be launched out to sea after the current typhoons.

Additionally, much needed schooling supplies have been given
to the school of the children who will be using the boat. Many
thanks to "Nanny" Conching for donating these goods
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