The Padua Charitable Fund

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August 2011 - Watertank Construction

The Padua Charitable Fund has recently funded the proposed construction of a watertank stand to support 3 watertanks (donated by the Rotary Club Paranaque) to supply water for the Eldorado Airlift Asia multipurpose centre which also houses the school of the community.

Village water issues (left) are solved with the much needed new watertanks.

Some funding for this project was raised during the PCF/Nottingham Philippine Youth Association charity summer fair held at Aspley, Nottingham on July 10. The event was successful and well-attended and everyone appeared to be enjoying.

Construction of the watertank stand began in July but has had to be halted temporarily due to the typhoon season and continuous rainfall. Soon to resume!

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Registered Charity No. 1123426

© 2010 - Website by Gilles Nuytens & Rachel Grant